Optimizing Asset Management in Energy and Utilities with DAM
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Optimizing Asset Management in Energy and Utilities with DAM

Optimizing Asset Management in Energy and Utilities with DAM
July 25, 2024

Any energy or utility business must deal with many physical assets, such as power plants, substations, pipelines, and other infrastructure. It is hard to keep track of the condition, performance, maintenance, and other important aspects of thousands of assets that are spread out over large areas. A digital asset management (DAM) system can make things run more smoothly in this case.

In this blog, we will discuss how a modern DAM platform like ioMoVo's can help utility and energy companies see and manage their assets better. We will talk about the main problems with old ways of managing assets and how a digital solution fixes them. Finally, we will talk about the many advantages a company can gain by switching to a modern digital asset management system.

Problems with the Old Way of Managing Assets

Using only spreadsheets, offline documents, and old systems that aren't linked makes managing assets inefficient and prone to mistakes. The following are some common issues:

  • Not Having a Single Point of Access: Most of the time, important asset info is kept in separate systems or locations. It is hard for managers, field workers, and other stakeholders to get up-to-date information when and where they need it.
  • Requires a Lot of Manual Work: A lot of work must be done by hand to do things like schedule maintenance, keep track of work orders, evaluate the health of assets, and make reports. For every new item or work order, you must enter the data again.
  • Bad Information: When data is stored in separate silos that are not related to each other, it is hard to make sure that all the organization's information is the same, correct, and consistent. Bad decisions are made with old or wrong information.
  • Inability to Examine Data: Old-fashioned methods don't let you get useful information from asset data. It is almost impossible to look at performance trends, guess when products will break, or find the best ways to maintain and repair them.
  • Costly Problems with Compliance: Non-compliance problems can lead to expensive fines if you don't keep proper records and an audit trail of asset activity. It also makes insurance and safety checks harder to do.

When you add these problems to the fact that utilities have more assets, you get higher running costs, lost revenue because of unplanned downtime, and safety and regulatory risks. A more up-to-date digital method was needed to handle the complexity better.

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Crucial Aspects of a Top DAM System

Let's look at how ioMoVo and other smart digital asset management systems deal with these issues:

  • Platform in One Place: It gives you one place where all the information about your assets, documents, and action history is correct. Users with an internet connection can access real-time knowledge about any asset from any source.
  • Customizable Workflows: Workflows that are already set up but can be changed automatically do things like condition reports, work orders, billing, and more, so you don't have to do them by hand.
  • Rule-Based Maintenance: Setting up rules that consider things like asset type, usage, location, etc. Let the system automatically plan and send out maintenance, making sure it is done correctly.
  • Real-Time Visibility: On their phones, field teams can see the health of all assets from every angle. KPIs for success are shown on simple dashboards that managers can use from their desks to keep track of progress.
  • Prediction Capabilities: AI/ML techniques and advanced algorithms look at how assets are used and past maintenance data to predict failures and make the best use of funds.
  • Record Keeping and Audit Trails: A full digital record is kept of all checks, repairs, spare parts used, people involved, and so on. This makes safety/regulatory checks and insurance reviews easier.
  • Configurability: Users can change fields, traits, forms, and reports without having to change the code. As the business changes, processes can be fixed or changed to fit the new needs.
  • IoT Integration: Asset sensors can stream operations and environmental data in real-time for predictive analytics, reducing the number of times inspections must be done by hand.
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Why Setting up a DAM System is a Smart Idea

Putting people, processes, assets, and data on a single digital platform can help utilities save a lot of time and money and get other benefits for their whole company. Here are some of the best gains:

  • More Uptime for Assets: Because proactive maintenance is based on real-time condition tracking, critical equipment is used more when it can make money. There is less unplanned downtime.
  • Better Use of Maintenance Budgets: Instead of an impulsive "run to failure" method, maintenance budgets are spent wisely using data-driven strategies. Over-maintenance or repairs that aren't needed are prevented.
  • Improved Safety and Compliance: Digital records keep assets in line with rules, and digital permits, hazards, and safety routines keep workers safe. You can escape fines and denied insurance claims this way.
  • Better choices: Powerful data show how assets are used and how likely they are to break down. Insights help make decisions about capital spending, retrofitting or replacement, and long-term strategy planning for resources based on facts.
  • Saves Time: Automation frees up time that would have been spent on manual, paper-based tasks, which leads to higher output. Field crews can access all the information they need on their phones, which lets them spend more time on jobs that add value.
  • Streamlined Processes: Standard configurations make sure that best practices are the same in all areas. Customizable features make it easy to change processes to fit local needs and asset types without having to write any code.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Utilities can make customers, regulators, and communities happier by showing that they are digitally transforming, meeting their environmental goals, and being able to handle disruptions.
  • Stronger Asset Value: Digitization increases the lifespan, yield, and secondary market value of assets by using insights to plan upkeep that stops them from breaking down too soon and upgrades that do so. Over time, the savings on CAPEX and OPEX can easily cover the costs of the initial investment many times over.
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Future Trends and Outlook

Going forward, asset management practices will continue evolving rapidly with new technologies. Utilities adopting digital tools early can gain strategic advantages.

The use of sensors, IoT, and IIoT is set to rise tremendously. Low-cost intelligent devices will remotely monitor physical parameters as well as parts usage, vibrations, and other signals. This will drive even more predictive capabilities and precision in maintenance.

Drones, robots, and autonomous vehicles will take over more hazardous or routinely inspected tasks from personnel. They can assess hard-to-reach and unsafe infrastructure faster at lower risks and costs than conventional techniques.

Edge and fog computing will grow alongside cloud-centric systems. Processing asset data locally where it is generated before transmitting summaries will help overcome the limitations of intermittent network connectivity in remote regions. This maximizes the benefits of real-time insights.

Advanced analytics using big data, machine learning algorithms, and digital twin modeling of physical assets will deliver deeper operational optimizations. Techniques like predictive gearbox failure detection, energy usage pattern forecasting, network congestion avoidance and more will emerge.

Data sharing between organizations on transparent platforms following common standards may help develop industry benchmarks and collaborative problem-solving. Cross-utility partnerships can accelerate innovation adoption across the sector.

As battery storage and renewable energy capacity rise on grids, digital systems must support sophisticated integrated resource planning and demand response management more intelligently. AI will play a role in balancing green energy unpredictability.

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Final Thoughts  

To sum it all up, industries that depend on physical assets, like energy and utilities, need to use cutting-edge digital solutions such as ioMoVo's DAM platform, to deal with more complicated infrastructure, keep services running smoothly, meet modern standards, and find the best long-term costs and value for everyone. When compared to older, fragmented systems, a well-designed, cloud-based central system that puts together asset data, documents, people, and processes is much more efficient. When applied to many different assets in the production, transmission, and distribution networks of utilities, digital asset management can truly change the game in terms of its financial and operational benefits.

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