Improving Legal Document Organization with DAM Solutions
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Improving Legal Document Organization with DAM Solutions

Improving Legal Document Organization with DAM Solutions
July 25, 2024

It can be challenging to keep track of legal papers. Every day, law firms and in-house legal teams must deal with a huge amount of material. There are many types of documents, such as Word files, emails, and PDFs. It's very hard to keep all this material organized, but it's also very important for efficiency and compliance. Digital asset management (DAM) tools were designed to help with these issues of keeping documents organized. We will talk about how ioMoVo’s DAM platform can help with legal document handling and the benefits it offers in this post.

Problems With the Old Way of Managing Documents

Shared drives and file servers, which are the usual ways for legal teams to manage documents, have major flaws that make them useless as the number of documents grows. Here are some common problems:

  • Unorganized Folders and Files It's easy for content that is linked to each other to get spread out in different places without a clear structure. It gets hard to find specific papers because they are all over the place.
  • Duplicate or Mismatched Files: The same information may be in more than one place or version, and there's no way to link them. Teams lose time trying to fix problems.
  • Accessibility Problems: Crucial papers could be kept in places that other people can't get to or may not know about. It's hard to work together and share information.
  • Compliance Risks: It's challenging to meet legal holding times or eDiscovery/auditing needs cost-effectively without the right controls and metadata.
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Pros and Cons of DAM for Managing Legal Documents

Unstructured content sources can be hard to organize, but DAM platforms were made to solve that problem. Their main tasks work well with the way court documents are handled. Some of the most important benefits of using ioMoVo’s DAM platform are:

  • Centralized Storage: Instead of being spread out in different places, all the papers are kept in one digital repository. This sorts files out and stops them from being repeated.
  • Information and Taxonomy: Matter/client, author, type, tags, and other information fields can be used to describe documents. Taxonomies make sure that names and details are always the same.
  • Strong Content Indexing: Not only the metadata but also the full text of every document is indexed, which lets you perform a strong full-text search across the whole collection.
  • Better Security and Permissions: Role-based access controls protect private data while letting the right people inside and outside the company work together.
  • Version Control: ioMoVo’s DAM platform tracks changes to documents over time, as well as different versions of them. Users always have access to the most recent version.
  • Workflow Automation: Normal tasks like review and approval, eDiscovery gathering, and export can be turned into digital files and made easier to do.
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Case Study: Getting Better at Managing M&A Documents

When two companies merge or buy another, a lot of paperwork needs to be carefully organized and easily accessible moving forward. ioMoVo’s DAM platform can maintain order in a messy collection.

All kinds of papers are gathered and uploaded to the system during due diligence. These can be anything from contracts to financial reports to emails. Metadata is used to describe each record, such as the deal phase and the people involved.

Full-text search makes it easy to find any information at any time, like all instances of a certain contract clause, because the system indexes the content. Firms from outside the data room can view it with advanced permissions.

After the deal is done, the whole M&A archive can be found and saved safely. Users don't have to dig through boxes to find an answer quickly when they have questions years later. Analysis of document use can help change how things are done in the future.

IoMoVo’s DAM platform gets rid of problems with disorganization by putting this critical type of asset in one place. This makes it easier for managers to follow rules in the long run. For as long as they need to, teams can see and manage their entire collection of mergers.

Case Study: Managing the Lifecycle of a Contract

A lot of law departments must keep track of thousands of contracts that are important to businesses. For proper management, you need to be able to clearly organize files and make copies.

In ioMoVo’s DAM platform, contracts are profiled with important information like parties, dates, review times, and so on. The technology uses optical character recognition to make the whole text searchable after it is uploaded.

As contracts move forward, new versions can be shared with notes about each version. Users are told about future reviews through workflows that can be changed. Once they are finished, the final copies can't be changed.

People who own contracts can use the repository to find out what their responsibilities are and what the status of their contracts is. Reporting helps department heads understand portfolio measures and risks.

Controlled digital access helps outside lawyers who are working on the talks stay in touch. If problems happen, past versions can be found quickly instead of having to look through files. Consistent organization makes it easier to use the best management techniques over time.

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Case Study: Making eDiscovery Collection Faster

If the process isn't efficient, eDiscovery requests can mess up workflows and use up a lot of resources. ioMoVo’s DAM platform changes how law teams handle these tasks that are becoming more and more common.

When something needs to be kept for a certain amount of time, administrators can use the platform's flexible filters to automatically gather content that meets certain criteria from emails, drives, and third-party data sources. Full-text search speeds up the process of collecting by hand. Records are kept safely, and copies are watermarked so that they can't be changed. Analysts mark important or private papers for review while the system keeps track of the chain of custody.

When exporting to give to the other side's lawyer, all the necessary files are put together along with a record for the court to look over. The strong search function in the repository can be used to find answers to any other questions.

By putting the whole eDiscovery process in one place, legal teams can escape the problems that came up with separate collections, separate review sets, and productions that were put together at the last minute. The risks are kept to a minimum, and the process turns into a smooth, legal habit.

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Switching to a DAM Platform

It does take time and money to make the switch from traditional file systems to a specialized content services platform. However, the benefits easily outweigh the costs when it comes to saving time and money and lowering danger. These are the best ways to do things:

  • Assess Your Current Wants: Know the number of documents, their types, and where they are stored so that you can set the right system size and information needs.
  • Choose a Solution: Choose a solution and get it up and running. Work with providers to find the best fit, then set up a governance model and taxonomy standards.
  • Plan for Data Migration: Set up network/endpoint scans and quality control methods to make sure that moving existing files goes smoothly.
  • Change Management and Training: Teach end users, get the word out about the new system, and keep processes and tools up to date so that you can fully use its possibilities.
  • Updates to Governance and Policies: Make the information governance code and compliance policies for centralized repository access controls better.
  • Integration Testing: Make sure the DAM system works as it should with other important programs like Office 365, SharePoint, DMS, CRM, and more.
  • Track and Improve Usage: Keep an eye on data, get feedback from users, and keep improving usage to get the best return on investment through long-term adoption.

By planning ahead, businesses can move to a solution that will work well in the future and save them a lot of time and money for years to come. Ongoing governance keeps things in line with new tools and standards.

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Final Thoughts  

The number of documents in the law field is growing so quickly that old file-based methods can't keep up. With their powerful but easy-to-use features, digital asset management tools help organizations get back control of their content chaos.

ioMoVo’s DAM platform puts all your storage in one place and lets you use rich metadata, search on a large scale, simplify processes, get better security, make reports that can be used in many situations, and connect your systems deeply. Legal teams handle documents better, make processes like eDiscovery easier to use, and lower compliance risks.

Moving to this more modern approach to content services costs money at first, but it saves a lot more in the long run through higher productivity, lower costs, and the ability to change as operations grow. Any business that wants to control unstructured data should investigate how a well-thought-out DAM solution rollout can change things.

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